Why Join HLB?
Students and Graduates

We strive for excellence and we do it as a team
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Being a member of HLB International, the firm is part of a worldwide network of independent professional auditing and accounting firms.
So why join HLB Barnett & Chown? we invest in your future by giving you all the support and skills you need to be successful. We offer many perks such as Study Incentive, Study time & reward & recognition.
Study Incentive:
HLB Barnett & Chown gives our students a study incentive, whereby staff members will get a percentage of there study fee paid back to them if the respective module is passed. Students who get 70% on their module will get 100% back of their fee.
Flexible Study Leave:
Working at HLB Barnett & Chown while doing your studies we allow for a generous amount of study time. We allow some time off for exam preparation.
Reward & Recognition:
During your time with HLB Barnett & Chown, we will have open discussions with you with regards to your progress. Here we can mentor and help you achieve greatness. We value all our employees as a valuable part of the team. Many of our staff started as graduates and students.
Students & Graduates
Viroshan Singh
A senior/ supervisor at HLB Barnett Chown.
I have been at HLB for 7 years.
My journey at HLB started on 07 July 2013. Articles were definitely the most challenging part of my life.
Post articles is even more challenging as it comes with added responsibilities and stress. However, with the open door training policy at HLB, this allowed me to receive the very best training imaginable, from the most passionate individuals. This has allowed me to become a well rounded and knowledgeable senior/supervisor, with the ability to make decisions and problem solve. One of the key lessons I have learnt at HLB is “stress is relative”. What this means is that everyone has different levels of stress, and I have been taught how to deal and manage my stress, hence I do not have any grey hairs or hair loss. As time progressed and I started taking on responsibility, I was trained on how to lead an audit team and how to manage clients in various industries. The main contribution to my success and growth is the partners. I was given opportunities to grow at HLB and to excel with my studies. Thus I have recently completed CTA. This would not have been possible without the support from the partners and the emphasis placed on studying and personal development.
I received ample study leave and guidance from the partners on how to prepare for my exams. The partners and staff took personal interest regarding my studying and granted me additional time off.
HLB Barnett Chown a company that truly cares. HLB is like God, it keeps on giving.
Dewald Conradie
My engagement with HLB started during my final year of studying for my bachelor’s degree in financial accounting at the University of South Africa. Thanks to colleagues and the partners of the firm that were willing to mentor and train me, I completed my SAICA article contract in December 2018, after which I was offered a permanent contract.
HLB offers amazing cultural diversity and a workplace environment that fosters career growth opportunities and self-development. In this industry, it is integral to stay informed of all legislative and industry-specific changes. HLB ensures provides employees with opportunities to attend regular training sessions and webinars. In addition to external training, internal training is offered by the various departments who are experts in their respective field.
I have now been at HLB for 4 years and have since graduated undergraduate studies, CTA and ITC with SAICA. I have developed into a manager who now manages audit teams. I assist and train our SAICA article clerks to become the future Chartered Accountants they were meant to be.
Melody Masango
My name is Melody Masango and I am 28 years old. When I walked through the doors of HLB’s reception a little over 4 years ago, I had a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting degree and was so eager to get all the way to the finish line. Little did I know the journey ahead was going to be rocky *insert laugh*. I remember being asked in the interview by the partners if I would be able to manage my life; being a new mother, a wife, a junior clerk (first official job), and a student, all at the same time. I answered “yes” with resounding confidence. The road ahead was sure tougher than what I had anticipated in that interview. I was lucky to have done it in an environment like HLB, where continual studying is encouraged.
At each stage that I passed through (CTA, ITC, APC), there were also peers who were studying the same course and it made it easier to have peer support. Management also had an open-door policy where you could approach them if you felt overwhelmed or just needed help understanding certain concepts. The biggest support factor from the company was the generous study leave they offered us to ensure we were fully prepared for our exams, not to mention the study incentive bonus that came with it when you passed *insert laugh*. The practical experience offered through articles proved to also be of great help in grasping the study material. Although it was a very tough road, I wouldn’t have chosen to do it any way else”.
Calvin Bender
My name is Calvin Bender, I started my articles with HLB Barnett Chown Pty Ltd on the 26th June 2016, which makes it 4 years. I entered my articles with only a Bcom in Marketing and Business management studying towards my Bcom degree in finance Accounting, it was extremely challenging but the best decision I could have made.
Entering my articles I was nervous, excited and driven, I knew what my goal was and I knew that with the HLB team behind me I could achieve this. As most article journeys go, there has been some trying and tough times, but I have always had the best support structure to get me through. Coming into this industry from my first degree was so different, and it did take some time to adjust as this is an extremely fast-paced industry, with serious deadlines to meet.
Doing articles and studying at the same time has made life much easier by understanding the theory of auditing, accounting & taxation as you have been exposed to the practical side of it.
Claudio De Sousa
I am Claudio De Sousa, an article clerk amongst article clerks. I have just finished my degree while working and have had so much help from not only my colleagues but the partners as well (some would say that’s most of the reason I made it through my degree).
I have been with HLB for most of my working career, (almost as long as 5 years), with some of the most unique and inspiring individuals one could ever have during such an important part of their CA career.
Like any long journey, there has been many ups and downs, but fortunately for me, more ups than downs. Coming into this industry straight from school was one of the biggest challenges I have had to face, but with the support and knowledge I have been given throughout my articles from the partners and fellow colleagues, I was able to grow and mould into one of the successful members of the article completion society (yes, that may be made up). I have been fortunate enough to have gained an astronomical amount of knowledge, not only with regards to auditing but life lessons too.
Being straight from school with limited knowledge, I was able to study and work concurrently which had a huge benefit. By working and studying I was able to apply the practical knowledge from working to the theoretical knowledge from studies (which assisted me greatly when doing assignments and exams) as this provided a foundation for which I was able to build my studies on, and whilst building my studies, I was able to apply a more advance approach to my practical work.
Chipochashe Moyo
Third-year article clerk with APC.
My journey has been exciting, fulfilling and a bit challenging as well. When I started at HLB I had my ITC, I had all this theoretical knowledge which I had no idea fitted into the real world. Being at HLB helped me to integrate my theoretical knowledge into the practical. I have also learnt a lot from other clerks as well as management and I can surely say I am not the same clerk I was almost 3 years ago. I have also integrated with various people at HLB and can safely say the environment feels like a second home, the seniors are always willing to help and management has an open-door policy which allows us to speak to them about our concerns without fear. Lastly, it has been challenging as at times some of the audits requires you to put in extra time and there is pressure to finish, however at the end of the day all challenges faced have moulded me to become the clerk I am today and as such was able to pass my 1st APC exam at the 1st attempt. HLB has assisted me to gain the practical experience required to be able to pass the APC exam. It has taught me to be a problem solver and always think outside the box.
Exposure to different clients has further enabled me to be able to handle different scenarios that we were tasked with during APT and APC. Furthermore, during APC we were given generous amounts of study leave for the various APT assessments and APC exam, this enabled us to further adequately prepared. Furthermore, management was constantly checking up on how we’re coping with work and APC during the year and cheering us on right until the final exam.
Jessica Venter
I am Jessica Venter, I am an Audit Supervisor. I have been with HLB Barnett & Chown for 1 year and 6 months. Starting at a new audit firm as a post article clerk, I was grateful to find that the people at HLB were incredibly welcoming and friendly. Challenging audits and APC preparation was made a lot more manageable as I found a number of employees at HLB who were on the same journey as me and who have become close friends and confidantes. Being at a firm where the partners are involved at every stage of the audit has also expanded my knowledge and exposed me to a variety of new learning opportunities.
When I arrived at HLB I already had finished articles and was busy preparing for my APT and APC assessments. Being in a new environment and gaining exposure to a variety of new clients, partners and colleagues assisted me greatly with the practical side of the case studies which were asked in the APT and APC assessments. The support which I received from the partners in respect of advice and study leave was a huge help with passing these assessments on the first try.
Muhammed Cassim
This is my fourth year of being part of the HLB Family.
My journey at HLB started on the 11 July 2016. I was shy, clueless and inexperienced in all aspects. As timed progressed, my seniors began to take more interest in me, whereby training became more comprehensive and more time was spent to ensure that I am able to complete my work on time and that I fully understand what I am doing. The seniors even took it one step further by constantly asking how I am doing with my studies and if I need the help and gave me guidance on how to plan my study leave. This approach taken by the seniors, was very beneficial to my studies because I was able to learn interpretation skills. Through all the training my seniors gave me as well as when having the practical knowledge made it much easier when studying. In my last year, I struggled with certain subjects as the content was more complex, the partner of the firm (Dee Bezuidenhout) took notice of my struggle and offered to assist me. Through the assistance of an audit partner, I was able to pass my exams needed for me to obtain my degree.
As time progressed at HLB Barnett Chown I began to take on more responsibilities as I was now moving into an intermediate and senior position, the partners of the firm ensured that I was ready for this part of the journey by always offering advice, checking up on how I was handling the change and making sure I have their full support. The partners of this firm have always mentioned they have an open door policy; I took full advantage of this and went whenever I needed assistance. Through the leadership of the partners and guidance of my seniors, the shy, clueless and inexperienced person who started 4 years ago is no more; I am now a confident and knowledgeable individual thanks to the wonderful people at HLB Barnett Chown.
Vashenka Naidoo
When I first started at HLB 2 and a half years ago, I had just moved to Johannesburg from Durban. While it was hard leaving behind everything and everyone I had known, I was immediately welcomed into the HLB family. I completed my articles at HLB and while it was challenging in a new company, it was a fulfilling experience which granted me the opportunity to learn many different aspects at the firm.
I also wrote and passed the ITC (Board 1) exam during my time at HLB. Balancing studies and work has been difficult but I have been fortunate enough to have the support of other staff members also completing their studies, as well as management. I believe that the experience I have and will continue to gain at HLB will assist me in furthering my personal and professional development.
Sholini Inderjeeth
I am Sholini Inderjeeth originally from Durban and managed to get this great opportunity to serve my SAIPA articles at HLB and qualify as a professional accountant. I am a hardworking, loyal and enthusiastic person I am always looking to improve my skills and qualifications so that I can work to the highest standard possible in my role. I have been with HLB Barnett & Chown for 4 years. It was an absolutely amazing and fruitful learning experience that I have gained so much knowledge from the partners, managers and my team. HLB has assisted me with in house training and the company organised external courses and with the help from my managers, I have obtained my SAIPA qualification.
Pedro Waterboer
I am Pedro Waterboer a Bcom degree holder in Accounting, of which I acquired at North-West University and completed 2016. I resumed my working career at HLB as a trainee accountant and I learned a lot and with the experience, I have gained, I am still learning new things every day. I am loyal, honest, optimistic and a diligent worker. I have been with HLB Barnett & Chown for 3 years and 8 months. It was fruitful. I have started the company with my accounting background from the University, as I was inexperienced and it was a bit hard having to practically do the work. It became easier with the assistance of my seniors and managers, I started being optimistic about my work, worked very hard to obtain my goal. I did not just work as an employee to earn money, I am passionate about my career as an Accountant and this really helped me to understand and take every mistake or failure as a learning outcome, every note taken from my seniors and managers assisted me with my studies (preparing for the SAIPA Professional evaluation ). I attempted the professional evaluation on 11 July 2020 and passed.
Tshegofatso Maile
I am Maile Tshegofatso, I have been with HLB for 3 year and 1 month. I have completed my bachelor’s degree in Accounting at the University of Venda in 2014. I started my career with HLB in August 2018, where I got a wonderful opportunity to serve my SAIPA articles in which I have completed in January 2020 and became a Professional Accountant (SA) in December 2020 after which I wrote my board exam. I am a self-motivated hard worker, fast learner, reliable, resilient, I can work well under pressure and carry out tasks in a thorough precise manner.
My journey at HLB has not only equipped me with all necessary skills required to form successful relationships with clients, but has also has shown me how to make them feel valued. Right now as an Accountant who endowed with strategic mind-set, focus, personal drive and enthusiasm, all this became easier with the assistance of my team, seniors and managers.
HLB has always went all out to provide continuous development in my journey and my team by providing external and in house training and went further to allow us to create groups where each and every individual is given an opportunity to analysis and interpret information at a professional level with the assistance and guidance of our seniors and managers, and this has contributed positively for preparation of my board exam.